Welcome to Mazambani Farm

Home to a many species of animals

Our philosopy: what is good for our animals and land will naturally be for us and better for our customers :)

image of catttle


Protecting the lane

we continously strive to improve our soil by growing a wide variety of crops, to give a balanced rotation to the farm, and utilising the manure from our animals as a natural fertiliser to reduce the need for synthetic fertiliser

Respecting our animals

Our animals enjoy the best possible welfare. we ensure access to lots of space, both inside and outside, which helps them to express natural behaviours and to live happ and contended lives

Increasing Biodiversity

By planting grass margins and field corners we actively encourage a wider divesity of plants, insects, birds and mammals across the farm. We plant new hedges and manage existing ones to help protect the wildlife around us, through out the year.


We are focused on succefully growing our family business and committed to making a positive impact on the communities where we live and work. Not only through what we produce but what we give back through our charitable activies

Improving climate

We actively plan for carbon sequestration across our forests and soil, and we endevourto waste nothing, from the grains we grow being incoporated into our animals' diet, and th straw we use to bed them up.

About us

Mazambani Farm is located in Mapinga along Chinhoyi road, we are a home to many different kind of species of animals and crops. Among the animalswe hosts we have Pigs, Chickens, Rabbits, Ducks, catttle, Goats and Pigeons which are very healthy as we have an animal vet who comes regularly to dose and check for diseases on animals. On the agricultural side we do hot culture- (green vegetables, tomatoes, onions, cabages) maize for animal feed, tobacco, sugar beans and soya beans.

Our crop production is 100% organic as we use manure from the cattle kraal,and our animals eat feed from the crops we grow to make sure that they eat healthy foor that has not been proccessed. Our care takers are cheerful people who love animals at heart which make them take good care of the farm. Those interested in learning on how we are doing it so well will be hosting lessons soon.

We also allow visitors at the farm to come and tour Mazambani farm but only with appointments, school trips are also invited to inspire children.


Description Quantity
Chickens 20
Ducks 28
Rabbits 38
Cattle 83
Goats 45
Pigeons 14
Pigs 21
Total 249


picture of Mufaro-0778684558

Please feel free to get in touch with our friendly personel on the following details

Phone Number

Press here to call Mr Mazambani. 0777830328.

Press here to call Mufaro. 0778684558.

Press here to call Kudakwashe. 0719137446.

Press here to call Munashe. 078341138.


Press here to email Mr Mazambanimufaromaz@gmail.com

Press here to email Mufaro mufaromaz@gmail.com

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Notifications and Updates

Rabbit Feeds

Rabbit pellets are running low. There is urgent need for restock

Scrappies Health

Scrappie has recovered very nice, His health is now back to normal state.

Rabbits Health

The worm infected rabbits have recovered and are now in the process of recovering the lost fur.

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